1. General Information

Field of study: Electronics
Code: 8520203
Teaching language: English
Duration: 2 years
Tuition fee: 98.400.000 VND.
Campus: Thu Duc campus – Quarter 6, Linh Trung Ward, Thu Duc City, HCM City, and HCMC campus (To be updated)

2. Education goals

  1. Knowledge
    • Knowledge of how to implement scientific and mathematical foundation creatively in solving engineering problems.
    • Advanced and solid knowledge in: IC Design, Embedded Systems, Communications, Signal Processing, Automation and Control, and Robotics.
    • Knowledge of how to implement creatively and process effectively various  design, build, and operation to solve complex engineering problems.
    • Knowledge of how to design and practice experiments with systems and equipment of varied degrees of complexity, and the ability to analyze and evaluate obtained results.
  2. Skills
    • Ability to update new knowledge and publish research results.
    • Ability to creatively formulate and solve technical problems in one’s area of expertise, to work effectively in multidisciplinary research.
    • Ability to identify, locate, collect, and evaluate the required data through the design and conduct of observation, modeling, simulation, or testing processes.
    • Communicate effectively and work with social and community responsibility.
  3. Professional qualifications and competencies
    • Quickly adapting to the continuous development of science and technology in the world.
    • Ability to link the program with domestic and foreign schools.
    • Training advanced and solid knowledge on: IC Design, Embedded Systems, Communication, Signal Processing, Automation, Control and Robotics.
    • Teaching and learning in English helps students have a good foreign language foundation to communicate internationally and learn global information.
  4. Research Orientation
    The Master’s program is designed with the following research orientations:
    • Telecommunication Systems
    • RF Circuits and Antenna 
    • Microelectronics
    • Signal Processing
    • Control Engineering and Automation

3. Career Opportunities

After graduation from the Master of Electronics Engineering program, students are able to:

    • Work in domestic or foreign companies related to IC design, consumer electronics, information technology, and automation
    • Work in domestic or foreign communication/network corporations, mobile network, airlines & transportations companies.
    • Develop their professional career in the entertainment and advertising industry.
    • Develop start-up companies and introduce new electrical and communication products to the market.

4. Education program

NoLearning outcomes
1An ability to identify, formulate, and solve advanced engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics.
2An ability to apply advanced engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors.
3An ability to communicate at an advanced level with a range of audiences.
4An ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of advanced engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts.

An ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives.

6An ability to develop and conduct advanced experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions.

An ability to acquire and apply advanced knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies.

The Master of Electronics Engineering study program at the School of Electrical Engineering is divided into 2 category: 

  • The Research Oriented program: aims to prepare students with basic industry knowledge before studying in narrow fields to enhance the research ability of students, to meet international standards, and at the same time create opportunities to participate in research activities and continue studying at a higher degree for excellent students.
Total credits
Number of credits
General education course
Fundamental and Specialized knowledgeResearch project
Thesis project
Fundamental courseElective course
Research Oriented6036211515
  • The Industrial Oriented program: aims to prepare students with extensive and specialized background knowledge in the field of electronics engineering such as information systems, microelectronics, signal processing, biomedical devices, and sensors, etc.
Total credits
Number of credits
General education course
Fundamental and Specialized knowledgeInternship
Graduation project
Fundamental courseElective course
Industrial Oriented60363399

Please contact the office of the School of Electrical Engineering for further inquiries regarding the detailed syllabi of the Master of Electronics Engineering program.


NoCourse IDCourse namesNumber of creditsECTSSem.
1PE505Philosophy (Triết học)34.641
1EE500Research Methodology (Phương pháp NCKH)23.091
2EE505Linear System and Random Process (Hệ thống tuyến tính và quá trình ngẫu nhiên)46.18
1EE565Digital and Embedded System
Design (Kỹ thuật số và thiết kế hệ thống nhúng)
2EE569Digital Processing of Speech and Image Signal (Xử lý số tín hiệu tiếng nói và ảnh)34.64
3EE580Instrumentation and Sensors
(Thiết bị và cảm biến)
4EE534Advanced Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence (Máy học và trí tuệ nhân tạo nâng cao)34.64
5EE535Advanced Internet of Things (Internet Vạn vật nâng cao)34.64
6EE536Advanced Robotics
(Robot nâng cao)
7EE511Wireless Communications
(Thông tin vô tuyến)
8EE513Data Communications and Networking
(Thông tin dữ liệu và mạng)
9EE561Advanced Digital Signal Processing (Xử lý tín hiệu số nâng cao)34.64
10EE528Advanced Telecommunications Networks
(Mạng viễn thông nâng cao)
11EE530Computational for Electromagnetics (Mô phỏng và tính toán trường điện từ)34.64
12EE531Advanced Antenna Design
(Thiết kế anten nâng cao)
13EE532Microwave Circuits and Measurement
(Mạch siêu cao tần và đo lường)
14EE533Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit (Thiết kế vi mạch cao tần đơn khối) 34.64
15EE540 Semiconductor Device Physics
(Vật lý linh kiện bán dẫn)
16EE541VLSI Design (Thiết kế mạch tích hợp mật độ cao)34.64
17EE582Engineering Control Systems (Hệ thống điều khiển kỹ thuật)34.64
18EE591Neural Network and Fuzzy Control (Mạng Nơ ron và điểu khiển mờ) 34.64
19EE592Optimal Control (Điều khiển tối ưu)34.64
20EE594Fault Diagnostic and System Identification (Chẩn đoán lỗi và nhận dạng hệ thống) 34.64
21EE595Applied Control Engineering
(Kỹ thuật điều khiển ứng dụng)
22EE596Advanced Theory of
Automatic Control (Lý thuyết điều khiển tự động nâng cao)
23EE597Advanced PC Based Control and SCADA System (Hệ thống điều khiển giám sát và thu thập dữ liệu kết nối máy tính nâng cao)34.64
1EE604Research Project (Chuyên đề kỹ
thuật điện tử và ứng dụng)
1EE605Thesis (Luận văn)1523.24

*Note: The Philosophy course (Triết học) is replaced by the Vietnamese History Culture course (Lịch sử văn hóa Việt Nam) for foreign students.


  • 45LT: 45 periods of Theory sessions
  • 30LT: 30 periods of Theory sessions
  • 30TH: 30 periods of Laboratory sessions


NoCourse IDCourse namesNumber of creditsECTSSem.
1PE505Philosophy (Triết học)3 1
1EE500Research Methodology (Phương pháp NCKH)23.091
2EE505Linear System and Random Process (Hệ thống tuyến tính và quá trình ngẫu nhiên)46.18
1EE565Digital and Embedded System
Design (Kỹ thuật số và thiết kế hệ thống nhúng)
2EE569Digital Processing of Speech and Image Signal (Xử lý số tín hiệu tiếng nói và ảnh)34.64
3EE580Instrumentation and Sensors
(Thiết bị và cảm biến)
4EE534Advanced Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence (Máy học và trí tuệ nhân tạo nâng cao)34.64
5EE535Advanced Internet of Things (Internet Vạn vật nâng cao)34.64
6EE536Advanced Robotics
(Robot nâng cao)
7EE511Wireless Communications
(Thông tin vô tuyến)
8EE513Data Communications and Networking
(Thông tin dữ liệu và mạng)
9EE561Advanced Digital Signal Processing (Xử lý tín hiệu số nâng cao)34.64
10EE528Advanced Telecommunications Networks
(Mạng viễn thông nâng cao)
11EE530Computational for Electromagnetics (Mô phỏng và tính toán trường điện từ)34.64
12EE531Advanced Antenna Design
(Thiết kế anten nâng cao)
13EE532Microwave Circuits and Measurement
(Mạch siêu cao tần và đo lường)
14EE533Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit (Thiết kế vi mạch cao tần đơn khối) 34.64
15EE540 Semiconductor Device Physics
(Vật lý linh kiện bán dẫn)
16EE541VLSI Design (Thiết kế mạch tích hợp mật độ cao)34.64
17EE582Engineering Control Systems (Hệ thống điều khiển kỹ thuật)34.64
18EE591Neural Network and Fuzzy Control (Mạng Nơ ron và điểu khiển mờ) 34.64
19EE592Optimal Control (Điều khiển tối ưu)34.64
20EE594Fault Diagnostic and System Identification (Chẩn đoán lỗi và nhận dạng hệ thống) 34.64
21EE595Applied Control Engineering
(Kỹ thuật điều khiển ứng dụng)
22EE596Advanced Theory of
Automatic Control (Lý thuyết điều khiển tự động nâng cao)
23EE597Advanced PC Based Control and SCADA System (Hệ thống điều khiển giám sát và thu thập dữ liệu kết nối máy tính nâng cao)34.64
1EE611Internship (Thực tập)9183
1EE612Graduation Project
(Đề án tốt nghiệp)

*Note: The Philosophy course (Triết học) is replaced by the Vietnamese History Culture course (Lịch sử văn hóa Việt Nam) for foreign students.


  • 45LT: 45 periods of Theory sessions
  • 30LT: 30 periods of Theory sessions
  • 30TH: 30 periods of Laboratory sessions

5. Student Surveys

Report Course Evaluation Result: Report_Course Evaluation

Report Student Service Quality Result: Report_Student Service Quality

Report Alumni Survey Result: Report_Alumni